Women, Books and Business

First Edition

Women, Caregiving and Life Insurance

Many of us think nothing of opening a jar of jelly, pouring a glass of water, feeding, and dressing ourselves until something happens and either we or our loved one are unable to perform these simple daily living tasks. Doing financial and life insurance planning in advance can help ease any negative financial impact that may arise from an unexpected life changing event. Life changing events can happen at any time and, with the majority of people living paycheck to paycheck, one financial setback can make it extremely difficult to recover from.

Studies show that 75% of caregivers are women and that women make up 65% of the elderly poor, which highlights the need for women to make financial literacy, as well as financial and insurance planning a priority. There is no limit to the amount of advice out there on insurance and financial planning. The key is creating a plan that is right for you and your financial situation. Don’t just rely on the general advice given by influencers, both big and small. Do your own research by reading books, taking classes, watching videos, talking to friends, and sitting down with professionals that understand your unique circumstances so you can create a plan that works for you and your loved ones.


Leadership and Business

Women owned businesses grow by an average of 84% and added $13 Trillion to the economy globally. And that number is expected to increase to $18 Trillion over the next few years. Leadership, as we have learned from many experts, is one of the keys to the rise or fall of a business.

Many of us commonly think of someone with a title as a leader. However, you can be a leader without a title. Your character and actions determine whether or not you’re a leader.

Have you ever noticed that whenever you’re in a group setting, with people you don’t know, that you seem to always be chosen as the presenter of head of the group. It is because of your character, and the manner in which you carry yourself, that caused the people in your group to see you as a leader. Everyday in our life we are leaders. We lead ourselves, and a lot of times we lead our business colleagues without intending to do so because someone is always watching, in this always connected world. So, spend some time developing the leader inside of you to take your business, team, and life to the next level.


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This Month’s Book

If you know me or listen to my podcast, the Secrets of Earning Money Show, you have heard me talk about the book “Psycho-Cybernetics”, by Dr. Maxwell Maltz.

This is a book I have read many times. And I’m rereading it right now. As we have had some challenging times over these past few years with the pandemic, impending recession, trillion-dollar companies laying off workers, the political climate and the wars that are going on right now. There is no better time than right now for us to take control of our thoughts and life.

The book “Psycho-Cybernetics” can help you gain a deeper understanding of who you are, to help you take control of your thought process and improve your life. It is unfortunate that several studies show that 85% of Americans suffer from low self-esteem. According to the New York Times and Siena College Free Speech Poll, only 11% of Americans feel they are completely free to express their viewpoints without retaliation with family, friends, online, at work and in their community.

Which is unfortunate and is most likely the root cause of approximately a third of adults that fear being themselves.  This is probably why many people prioritize having a relationship for status reasons over being in quality relationships, whether it is romantic, business or friendship.

Reading the book “Psycho-Cybernetics” may just be what some of us need to discover, or rediscover, our true selves. Going through the program to heal and remove our emotional scars, improve our rational thinking, and give us peace of mind.